Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bottom Love...


My family ate the Entemanns...

Whipped up some frosting with organic cream cheese, powdered maple sugar, and vanilla bean.  Way. Good.

Primal Cinnamon rolls adapted from:

I used coconut crystals in place of sugar.  The rest are in my freezer.  I know what you are thinking... but I did not eat them all.

As today was the "last" day of my Christmas Vacation, I also made some nutrition decisions for the 90 challenge.  I did a lot of research on the ZONE, but ultimately, I am sticking with a Wolf/Sission Paleo-Primal Combo.  What I am going to tweek is tracking my protein, carbs and fat to stick in optimal ranges.  In case you are not familiar with the genius that is Robb Wolf... here is his site:

or Check out Sisson at:

My Other "tweaks" include:
Focusing on better sleep
Introducing Fish Oil and supplements. 
Reducing or eliminating dairy.
Noticed I have not mentioned alcohol yet...

 How do you want to start the new year?  What is your challenge?  What is your plan?

Am I in denial?  Must be.  Tomorrow I am back to work.  Today... primal cinnamon rolls.  I know.. I know..

Monday, December 26, 2011

Flourless chocolate cake

So, on this day after Christmas I have watched three families inhale fudge, sugar cookies, bourbon... I know what you're thinking...but I have not. So I decided to go for a treat. Flourless chocolate cake. The only modifications I made in the recipe, was to replace sugar with raw honey and add bit of vanilla. I bought some coconut ice cream to gild the lily.

January 1st... Boy... It's close... :)

adapted recipe from:
6am WOD in Erie PA. 1,000 Row, 800 run X3. 23.12. Not sure how that ranks for time.

Done. Great to visit another Crossfit... But missing ACF.

Breakfast for the gang... Omelet with mushrooms, peppers, and shallots topped with a little sliced avocado and a side of berries. Yummy. Paleo baking happening later today. have to enjoy my last few days....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Blog Post

Merry Christmas! A muddy trail run at sunset was the perfect end to a beautiful day. :). I have created this blog to chronicle the 90 Day Challenge at Albany Crossfit. This is just the start...the "on ramp" if you will to January 1st. Working on finalizing my goals and deciding on diet. In thought I was Paleo, but I have really been Primal since September. The question is if and how to Zone...Primal or Paleo? I hope to build a community of irreverent humor, great recipes, horrific workout pics, food journaling...and more. So, who's in?