Wednesday, March 7, 2012

90 Days. I am Old. No other news flashes...

90 Days.  A long time.  It takes 30 days to establish a habit.  I have clearly established a habit.  Does that excuse my lack up blog updates? No.  My eating and exercise have been on point.  No crazy cheating.  No slacking.  Just plugging away.  The mid-point of the challenge feels strange.  What was new, is now normal.  So it is hard to think… yes… I have to put this up on my blog.  It just feels normal and right.  So should it be any wonder that after a period of comfort comes a plateau?   90 day slump meeting at Crossfit… check.  End result… How bad do you want to get where you want to go?  News Flash… It will be hard.  So how bad do I want it?  I embraced fitness late in life.  I have been heavy my whole life.  The first summer I decided not to work, (I was a teacher… and often took another job over the summer.) I decided to take up running.  Keep in mind… no sports through high school… heavy girl… you get the picture.  My maiden voyage was a “jog” around the lake in Washington park.  I put on my Walkman… oh yes, this happened in the time of the good ol’ cassette deck.  I lived on State Street at the time, so I walked to the lake in the park.  I started my jog.  After about two minutes… I thought death was eminent. But I was determined to make it all of the way around without stopping.  I was panting, delirious, and nearing the finish when I stumbled on fell on rocks, splitting my knees open.  And so I walked back to my apartment…bloody knees and all.  So started my “athletic” career. Since that first “jog” 13 years ago, I have welcomed three children into my life.  I have completed 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons in costume, and a full marathon.  I have completed traithlons, and coached triathlon groups.  I am not fast.  I have heart.  I pick something that scares me and I do it.  Crossfit is that for me.  When I walked into Crossfit, Kevin did not even blink an eye when I signed up for a year on the spot.  I knew little to nothing about crossfit, other than it was going to be a challenge unlike any I have had in my life.  So I have hung in there since the end of August.  I signed up, immediately went primal, and I have survived the WODs.  What do I want for the remainder of the challenge?  I want to push.  To fight.  To use power. To be strong.  To rock out good form.  So where do I go from here?  I started my first one-on-one training with Kevin this week.  After he asked my age, and I replied that I was 38 now, but would be 39 on Friday…his response was “Well…our goals get harder to achieve as we get older.”  Well holy crap.  I am old.  Also in question after my session….flexibility, strength and stamina.  What is my potential?  What are my genetics?  I have heart.  I will fight for what I want.  I want to throw heavy weight above my head.  I want to rock out pull ups.  So the prescription for now is volume training on sucks and tabata drills for power.  I have had no problems journaling my food intake.  I am clearly good at eating.  What I have to do now is log, track and measure my workouts.  I have to establish my max weight for basic movements.  I have to dial in my nutrition… more to come on that after session two ala Kevin. I need to drink more water.
Food Log… Nothing really new folks…
5:30am Spin
Breakfast- Scrambled eggs with zuchinni and onions, coffee.
Snack- 2 Blueberry Protein Balls (Mark Sisson Recipe)    
1 Hour training Session with Kevin
Lunch-  Butternut squash, kale, cauliflower chicken bake.  Apple and almond butter
Dinner- Taco salad with greens and avocado
Paleo chocolate lava cake.
Suplaments- check.

Breakfast: Eggs with bacon, avocado and tomatoes, coffee.
Snack: Handful of almonds and raisins
Lunch: Shepards Pie with mashed cauliflower and mixed berries
Crappy day feel good food… dark chocolate with mint
Snack before Zumba event- orange and two protein balls
2 hours of Zumba in the club
1 piece of paleo cake… make by Star… AMAZING
Sliced Turkey… late night. 

Breakfast: Paleo Blueberry chia muffin with sun nut butter and coffee.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Step up baby. Don't let your boy down!!!!!!

Participating in the throwdown was amazing. Watching the other athletes was awe inspiring. To complete the workout, and then see what other athletes could do with the same workout…the same amount of time… well…game changer for me. Now that I have suckered MacCue into the X and Y games, I have to step up, work on my sucks, and try. Try to not let my brain stop me from attempting more weight or standing on my head…. Or whatever that freakin’ whiteboard says. That and … not so shabby having a coach hold your hand…literally while you find your heels…and squat.

Captain’s Log… Uh… Food and Activity Log


Breakfast- Berries, sliced turkey and coffee.

Lunch- Butternut squash and chicken “lasagna” form paleo OMG, apple with sun nut butter

Snack- Cave Crunch

Dinner- Leftover Spaghetti squash and homemade sauce with meatballs, Salad. Dark Chocolate.

Activity- 5:30am Spin… 60 minutes of love.

Supplements- Check.


Breakfast- Eggs with tomatoes, avocados and bacon- coffee Mixed Berries.

Lunch- Spaghetti squash and homemade sauce with meatballs. Caveman Crunch.

Snack- Apple and pecan coconut butter

Dinner- Steak, spinach and sweet potato. Slice of paleo bread.

Dark chocolate and some scotch. I am stretching my cheat day to a week. Geesh.

Activity- Throwdown Recovery

Supplements- Check.


Breakfast- Eggs with tomatoes, avocados and bacon- coffee Mixed Berries.

Lunch- Leftover steak, spinach and potato. Apple with sun nut butter.

Snack- Caveman crunch

Dinner- Paleo OMG Enchillada Chicken over Greens with Avocado. Coconut milk ice cream.

Activity- Noon WOD. 60 Bar facing Burpees, 30 Overhead Squats (Weighted kettlebell for me… working on squat form) 20 Ring Rows AMRAP in 10 minutes. Make it to 13 ring rows.

Supplements- Check.


Breakfast- eggs with herbs, zucchini and onions, a couple of cubes of sweet potatoes and coffee.

Lunch- pesto chicken with butternut squash and kale. Sautéed apples with walnuts and raisins from Paleo OMG. Off the hook delicious.



Activity- WOD.

1 Hour Zumba Instruction.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Gold Lame shorts and a super tight Throwdown Shirt Showing the Girls Off

My Mouth. It talks smack that it can’t back up. I was very nervous at work on Friday about the throwdown. I mentioned it to some coworkers… and lo and behold, I promised a strut around the office with my throwdown shirt and gold booty shorts should I survive and my co-workers make a visit. (I work at a college as the associate VP for curriculum and Instructional technology… booty shorts are not dress code.) My co-workers did come to cheer the event. And they were present to cheer my strut in gold booty shorts and and a throwdown shirt so tight… it even makes my girls seem, well, seem like hello. As far as the throwdown is concerned….

My Throwdown Experience at Albany Crossfit as told through music and a bit of storytelling at my 5:30am spin class this morning.

Trouble- Ray LaMontagne (Setting the stage… warm up)

The Imperial March- Music from the Star Wars Saga (How I felt when I saw the bars lined up at 7am…warm up)

Intro- The XX (Get in the mind space of what is about to happen. Slowly adding resistance onto a climb. 75% heart rate goal.)

Another Heart Calls- The All American Rejects (Progressive climb, adding resistance and speed on the minute markers. 75%-82% heart rate goal.)

Jump Around- House of Pain (Jumps… in tribute to the box jumps in WOD 1. My class knew most of the lyrics. Frightening and funny. Heart Rate up to 80%)

Blackout- Breathe Carolina (Circuit. 15 seconds at seated flat, surge, seated climb, surge, standing climb, surge, sprint, repeat. Heart rate up to 82%)

Don’t Stand So Close to Me- The Police (Active recovery flat with over under drills. 100/100+ cadence markers. 75% heart rate peak. This song is to honor the boys who felt that it was not important to shower before a 4-6 WOD event.)

Fighter- Christina Aguilera (Circuit… see above. The next two songs honor WOD 2)

Love and Memories- O.A.R (Resistance building sprints. Peek heart rate goal 85%)

Sexy and I know It- LMFAO (Active recovery flat with over under drills. 100/100+ cadence markers. 75% heart rate peak. This song is to honor the fantastic eye candy of the day. And I’m not talking about J in his hot pink sweatshirt. )

Welcome to the Jungle- Guns and Roses (Circuit… see above. The next two songs honor WOD 3…the continental cleans… get it AXIL ROSE???? And the 6 min. row.)

Lose Yourself-Eminem (Another Heart Calls- The All American Rejects (Progressive climb, adding resistance and speed on the minute markers. 82% heart rate goal.)

Like a Prayer- Madona (Active recovery flat with over under drills. 100/100+ cadence markers. 75% heart rate peak. This song is to honor the need for divine intervention… )

I Alone- Live (Heavy Climb with surges, 80-85% heart rate range. Honoring WOD 4 and the deadlift.)

Last Resort- Papa Roach (Progressive climb, adding resistance and speed on the minute markers. 82-85% heart rate goal, race pace to honor squats or pistols.)

Numb/Encore- Mash Up Jay-Z and Linkin Park (Pace line sprints. To honor single and double unders, with or without wetting yourself.)

Tough Lover- Etta James (Recovery. Heart rate goal 70% on a flat.)

Show me the Money- Petey Pablo (Pace line sprints. To honor the elite 8, and their final showdown.)

Stand by Me- Ben E. King (Recovery. In honor of the volunteers, judges and coaches. 65 % heart rate on a flat.)

Joy to the World- Three Dog Night (Recovery. In honor of the athletes. 50 % heart rate on a flat, and stretches.)

Food and Activity Catch up…

Friday cont.

Dinner- Butternut squash, chicken and pesto bake. Tequilla Chicken wings from Bombers. Bad call. Bad call.

Saturday- (Competition Day…)

Throughout the day… Against the grain “bagel” with sun nut butter, coffee, mixed berries, 3 small raw bars from the co-op(nuts and dried berries), apple, scrambled eggs with arugula and bell peppers.

Dinner- Chicken salad from Chipotle. They were out of guacamole. Booooooo.

CHEAT DESSERT… Slice of cheesecake from Cheesecake Machismo. First real cheat since August. Heaven.


Breakfast- slice of paleo pumpkin bread and coffee.

Lunch- Scrambled eggs with arugula, butternut squash, cranberries and walnuts.

Snack- Apple with homemade coconut pecan butter. Crack. Simply Crack.

Dinner- Homemade sauce and paleo meatballs with spaghetti squash. Salad. Red wine. Tortilla chips. Enough Said.


Breakfast- Coffee, Raisins, sliced turkey, paleo crunch.

Lunch- Chicken and butternut squash, mixed berries, sweet potato brownie from Paleo OMG.

Dinner…. TBD.. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Throw down shirt or bar wench outfit... fashion choices...

I am completely out of my mind and ability… but God help me… I will show up and do something at the Tri-State Throw Down. If I don’t completely embarrass myself in front of my family and the cross fit community, I plan to wear my thrown down shirt for a week straight. When I ran a marathon…. It was wear, wash, wear, wash. I was freakin’ proud. I am not properly trained with a dose of stupid and fear going into the throw down. Why? Because I am easily talked into stupid crazy &^%$^&%. And I talk smack that I can’t back up. That makes up the charm that is me. I have lost many a bets…based on my mouth… I still owe Tim drinks dressed like a bar wench for his triathlon victory over mine. Someday… there will be redemption. Until that day… I will show up… I will commit. Perhaps I should work on my obit…

Food and eats…

Friday Continued…

D-Against the grain Pizza


B- Against the grain bagel and sun nut butter, coffee

L- Chipolte Salad with veggies, chicken, and guac.

S- Coconut Milk bar

D- Leftover Against the grain pizza and salad.

Activity… 1hour Zumba instruction


B-apple and cave crunch… head cold…

10 am WOD

L- eggs with butternut squash and cranberries. Weird. I know…. But good.

D- Made paleo apps from Paleo OMG… Chorizo stuffed sweet potatoes, wings, meatballs with mango dipping sauce and fig brownies. Brussel sprout and kale salad.


B-Against the grain bagel and sun nut butter with coffee.

L-Indian Chicken soup, cave crunch, seltzer

S- Apple and sun nut butter

D- Salad with grilled turkey, avocado, walnuts, cucumber and blueberries.

Late night snack…paleo fig brownie.

Activity…. 2 hours of club zumba


B- Eggs with bacon, avocado, and tomato, berries and coffee.

L- Butternut Squash Pesto Chicken Bake, cave crunch

S- Apple and sun nut butter

D- (late) grilled beef tips, asparagus and broccoli.

Snack- Paleo chocolate cake

Red wine. M-F-ing hard work day. It is no excuse…


B- Eggs with avocado and tomato…left the bacon off by accident…. :( coffeeand berries

L- Butternut squash and chicken “lasagna”, apple, dark chocolate.

S- cave crunch

Friday, February 3, 2012

Top Gun…and Losing that Loving Feeling.

You have to remember that movie right? Well I have one thing going for me…I have lost that loving feeling. I am officially feeling the hardship of the 90 challenge. Who is dragging? Who needs to game up… or game on? What advice can you give to those of us in the challenge who have been steady. Not rocking everything out of the park… but consistent. Missing… In need of that loving feeling to get me to the end!!!!! Feeling like a Top Gun or at least getting me some smokin’ guns on these arms of mine would suffice. :)


Breakfast: Eggs with tomatoes, avocados and bacon, coffee, berries.

Lunch: Leftover mini meatloaf, broccoli, spinach and ½ sweet potato.

Snack: Apple and sun nut butter.

1 Hour Zumba Instruction

Dinner: Leftover spaghetti squash, spinach and paleo chicken parm. Leftover from Monday…Paleo chocolate cake. I know… stellar week.

Supplements… check.


Breakfast: Eggs with tomatoes, avocados and bacon, coffee, berries.

Snack: Caveman crunch.

Cross Fit at Noon: WOD 3 sets of 50 Double Unders (I jumped the bar as my jump rope lost the end nut mid spin..), 20 box jumps and 15 Jerks. (Used 55lbs.) Followed by ring dip volume work.

Lunch: Leftover Paleo Chicken Parm, spinach and spaghetti squash. Paleo Pumkin bread.

Dinner: Slow Cooker Pork, avocado, collard greens.

1 hour Zumba Instruction.

Coconut milk ice cream.

Supplements… check.


Breakfast: Against the grain raisin bagel and sun nut butter, coffee.

Snack: Orange and Cave crunch.

Lunch: Butternut squash, pesto chicken bake. Paleo Pumkin bread.

Tired and Hungry Today… fighting a cold. Feel run down.

Planning a 5pm WOD today… Can’t fathom in at the moment… but somehow, I must find the will…

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Busted. Burpees.

My head is hung low. I owe burpies. Oh I do… after my bender with red wine last night and…wait for it…dark chocolate…I am looking at 140 burpies to make up to date. The challenge has been going great…but I will admit that this past week, I felt the strain of it all. How can I get rid of that need for a glass of red wine? At least my “cheats” are still within the realm of primal eating. But I know I am doing my body a disservice with alcohol.

Food and Activity in Review:


5:30am Spin

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and Feta. Mixed Berries. Coffee.

Lunch: Ground Beef patty with mushroom and onions and a side salad with balsamic vinaigrette.

Snack: Caveman crunch and an orange

Dinner: Mini meatloaf and a salad.


40 min treadmill run

Breakfast: Eggs with broccoli and kale and mixed berries, coffee.

Lunch: Butternut squash and chicken pesto bake. Piece of paleo pumkin walnut bread from the civilized caveman.

Snack: Caveman crunch

Dinner: Primal Chicken “Parm”, spaghetti squash and spinach

Red wine and dark chocolate. It was had. It was loved. I must pay for it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Keep the love flowing.

My crossfit and primal experience is a tremendous and positive one. That is where I would like to keep my focus. Sometimes it gets hard. Not food choice or WOD hard, but support hard. People who know anything about crossfit or primal eating feel the need to negatively comment. I can normally brush it off…just that the haters are getting to me this week. I have to find a way to brush it off.

So… the past few days in review… The 90 day challenge keeps me accountable…

What have I been doing since we last chatted?

Eats and Activity in Review:


Breakfast- Berries and shredded chicken, coffee

Lunch- Shrimp Curry…hold the rice with extra steamed veggies. HEAVEN.

Snack- Caveman Crunch and an Apple

Activity: 1 hour Zumba Instruction.

Dinner- Grass-fed burger and ¼ potato.

Scoop coconut milk ice cream.

Supplements… check.


Breakfast- Berries and dry paleo waffle, coffee

Snack- Caveman Crunch

Lunch- Grilled chicken salad.

Filthy 50 WOD…. OMG.

Dinner- Chicken, pesto and butternut squash bake.

Scoop coconut milk ice cream.

Supplements… check.


Breakfast- Berries and paleo waffle, coffee

Activity: 1 hour of Zumba Instruction

Lunch- Tuna and veggie salad.

Snack- Caveman Crunch

Dinner- (At a wedding) 4 pieces of cheese, berries, sliced beef, salmon, and mixed veggies, 2 ½ glasses of white wine.

When I got home… starving…ate a handful of organic tortilla chips.

Supplements… missed the evening ones.


Breakfast- Coffee, orange, scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Activity: WOD and MELT

Lunch- Chicken, pesto and butternut squash bake, apple and cave crunch. Can you tell I was starving?

Dinner- Beer can chicken, steamed broccoli and ½ sweet potato.

Paleo molten lava cake. Had to be done. AMAZING.

Supplements… Check.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Eats and Activity in Review...

Eats and Activity in Review...

5:30am Spin 
Breakfast- Shredded Chicken, mixed berries and coffee.
Lunch- Spaghetti squash, kale and sausage bake.
Snack- Orange and cave crunch
Dinner- Steamed Broccoli, portabella pesto "pizza"'s and shredded chicken.
Bella Paleo treat.. uh oh... owe some burpees.....
Scoop of coconut milk ice-cream


Breakfast- Scrambled eggs, tomatoes, avocado and bacon... coffee.
Snack- Orange and cave crunch
 5 mile run at 2pm... followed by a late lunch.

Lunch- Leftover Steamed Broccoli, portabella pesto "pizza"'s and shredded chicken. Apple and sun nut butter.
Dinner- Steamed Broccoli, portabella pesto "pizza"'s and shredded chicken.
Scoop of coconut milk ice-cream...seriously craving sweets... and this is the least damage I feel I can do while staying on track.

Breakfast:  Scrambled eggs, tomatoes, avocado and bacon... coffee.
Snack: Berries
Lunch: grilled chicken, green beans and homemade pesto.
Snack: cave crunch and an apple.
Late dinner: grassfed beef patty, 1/4 potato- starving..., scoop of home coconut milk ice-cream... needs to be finished....
Missed my WOD
Hit my supplements on all three days.  Mojo meter.... feel really good.  I am very frustrated that I can;t make WODs.  Busy schedule with kids concerts, sports, hair cuts, wedding, and WORK this week.  Hard to fit it all in.  I fantasize about getting to a WOD at work. *sigh*

Sunday, January 22, 2012

WODs will kick your but every time...if you give it what you've got!

Catching up on the weekend journal....

When I came home from my WOD today, I told my husband that it was brutal. Soooooo hard. His response? "Isn't it Always hard? You never come home and say...I feel stronger...I am getter better....these are easier." My response? "ummmmmmmm I guess you have to do crossfit to know, IT WILL NEVER GET EASIER!". With that being beautiful new rings are almost installed ala my great hubby. Not gold blingy rings. Wooded rings with straps to hang and torture with ring rows, muscle ups, etc. Very exciting. :)

Breakfast- orange, paleo crunch and coffee
1 hour of teaching Zumba
Late breakfast/lunch eggs with tomatoes, avocado and bacon and a grain free bagel with coffee. Big fat heaven.
Mid afternoon snack- apple, sun nut butter and carrots
Late dinner- crockpot beef stew and sautéed zucchini.
Supplements...check...mojo meter 8. Feeling good.

Breakfast- apple and sun nut butter
10am WOD. Brutal
5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 kettle bell swings, Russian and American. 28lbs.

20 min. AMRAP
18 box jumps
15 toes to bar (knee ups for me)
12 Pull ups (jumping box for me)

1000 meter row for time. 4 min. 13 sec.

Holy sweet mother. So hard.

Brunch- Eggs with tomato, avocado, smoked salmon and capers. Berries with cave crunch and coffee.
Snack-chef salad.
4 mile run.
Late dinner...
Grilled Bronzini with mashed cauliflower and green beans with romanesco sauce.
Paleo peach and berry crisp ala elanas pantry.

Supplements... Check.
Mojo...9. Hard busy day....but I feel good.
Missed one run this week. Hope to make it up next week.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

BAGELS!!!!! Grain and dairy free... AMAZING!!!!!!

Lets start with breakfast today shall we?  After a chilly am class, I made up my favorite blend of eggs, tomatoes, avocado and bacon.   But as I was eating late, around 11... I tried a BAGEL yes a BAGEL that I found frozen at the COOP in Albany.  It is from against the grain. Grain and dairy free...and AMAZING!!!!!

Moving onto our afternoon... my daughter and I found this recipe in the latest issue of Everyday Food.  I primal-a-fied it with fantastic results.  My substitutions are listed in the recipe below.

Spoon into these cakes and find a surprise: There's a delicate sauce at the bottom.
Everyday Food, January/February 2012
  • Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Total Time 50 minutes
  • Yield Serves 8


  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus more, room temperature, for ramekins (I used coconut oil)
  • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled) (I used 3 tablespoons of Almond Flour and 1 Tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons coconut flour)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine salt
  • 3 large eggs, separated
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar (I used coconut crystals)
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest, plus 1/3 cup lemon juice (from 2 lemons)
  • 1 1/4 cups whole milk (I used coconut milk)
  • Confectioners' sugar, for serving (I dusted it with maple sugar powder.)


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Butter eight 6-ounce ramekins or a 2-quart baking dish. Set in a shallow baking pan. In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together egg yolks with 1/2 cup granulated sugar until pale and smooth. Whisk in butter, lemon zest and juice, milk, and flour mixture. (Refrigerate mixture, up to 3 hours.)
  3. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat egg whites with 1/4 cup granulated sugar until stiff peaks form, 5 minutes; fold into batter. With a ladle, divide batter among ramekins (keeping sides clean). Pour enough hot water into baking pan to come halfway up sides of ramekins. Bake until cakes are puffed and slightly golden on top, 30 minutes. Dust with confectioners' sugar and serve immediately.

Cook's Note

Kitchen Tip: Baking the cakes in a water bath creates an even, gentle cooking environment, resulting in a moist, silky texture.

January 21st, 2012. My Albany Crossfit Experience to Date, in Numbers

January 21st, 2012.  My Albany Crossfit Experience to Date, in Numbers.
146 Days to date of committed primal eating and crossfit.
August 29th- First on ramp class.
Starting weight 178 lbs.
Minutes it took me to get up from a seated position after 100 air squats for the first time…lets just say many.
September 10th.  My first WOD…and it was Fight Gone Bad.  Welcome to CrossFit.
1st time brought close to tears…meet the man maker.
Filthy 50th.  Need I say more?
25 lbs. bar of choice.
2.  The number of times I have wet my pants during a workout.  Why don’t people volunteer to be my partner more often?
90 Day Challenge.
3 Goals set.
3 Crossfit Affiliate facilities visited while traveling.  (Philadelphia, Erie, and Rochester.)  ACF will always be King.
1 booty chaffing so bad after abmat sit ups that it bled through my shorts. N-I-C-E.
7 Calluses on my hands.
3 Tablespoons of fish oil every day.
5 RX  WODs.
158 lbs. Current weight.
35 lbs. bar of choice.
10 seconds of paralyzing fear when I saw the cargo nets drop from the ceiling.  I climbed them anyways.
35 lbs. Kettlebell…is heavy.
100.  A number to always be afraid of…as in 100 kettlebell swings, 100 squats, 100 pushups… need I say more?
135 lbs.  Deadlift.
Feb. 11th. Tri-State Throw Down.  Entered. Afraid.

Everyday, I take a challenge.  Everyday, I strive to be better.  When I step foot into a WOD, I am usually anxious, a bit nauseous with fear, and telling myself…”This is how it’s going to go down today.  I will do this.  I will do this.”  We all take the challenge of the WOD.  We each push ourselves to our limits.  It is a personal driven goal that we recognize and cheer in others.  Crossfit is hard.  Really stinkin’ hard.  There is something special about everyone who steps foot into a WOD.  Everyone has accepted the challenge, and we go on the brutal journey together.

60 minutes.  The length of an ACF WOD session.
Fleeting moment…  The moment of elation when you are finished, panting, on the floor.  But it is in this moment, time slows, and life is truly beautiful.

Catching up on the food log…
Breakfast- 2 eggs with avocado, tomatoes and bacon.  Berries.  Coffee.
Lunch- Chicken, greens, grilled pepper and onions and guacamole.
Snack- Orange and caveman crunch
Crossfit WOD
Subbed Zumba Class
Dinner- BBQ Chicken and Broccoli. Apple and maple nut butter.
Supplements… Check.

Breakfast-   Shredded Chicken and Berries. Coffee.
Lunch- Salad with grilled shrimp, raspberries, goat cheese and walnuts…unsweetened ice tea.
Snack- Orange and caveman crunch.
Dinner- Leftover BBQ Chicken and Broccoli.
Crossfit WOD
Instructed Zumba Class.
Supplements… Check.

Breakfast- Orange and one paleo cinnamon roll. (Saved in the freezer from new years… AMAZING.) Coffee
Lunch- Spinach with cherries, duck breast and walnuts.  3 sausage stuffed mushrooms…. Iced tea. J
Snack- Apple and caveman crunch.
Late dinner- (Had a zumba benefit…) Butternut squash, chicken and pesto bake.  Tequilla… yes… small bowl of organic tortilla chips.

Had 2 hours of sleep the prior night… so Friday was a tough day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Whoop it up!
Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP?  I will protect the name of the innocent...but a fellow crossfit friend had a craving for a whoopie pie.  Now one might argue whether a whoopie pie is better than some whoopie, but  either way...good stuff.  I did make these and not have one.  I made them for my kids, and saved one for my ACF friend. :)  I substituted coconut crystals for the sugar and used powdered maple syrup in place of powdered sugar.  If you have not tried powdered maple sugar...stupid good.

So onto my day in review, and what I need to kick up to get my game on to my game on.  I game is on, especially compared to fellow co-workers with New Years resolutions, but my run in with a lovely glass of Malbec last night was eye opening today.  I paid in burpees.  I enjoyed the wine.  More than you can imagine.  Today, I felt awful.  Just awful.  I did not over due, my body is just on the clean train.  

Leftover salmon and mixed berries.  Fun to pick out bones at your desk. *sigh*
Snack- 1/3 cup cave man crunch
Lunch- Butternut squash-chicken with pesto.  This was so good, it flat out turned my day around.  I know food shouldn't do that... but um... it did.
Dinner- Paleo Taco Salad
Anticipated... small dish of homemade paleo strawberry ice cream.

Mojo meter... blaaaaaaaaaaach.  Tired.  Spend the day drinking as much water as I could.  I will miss you red wine.

Activity: Rest Day
Supplements... Check.

Last but not least.  Game on to my game on.  Have to start incorporating some strength drills at home so I am able to build up to RX the WODs.  What could be better than a new pair of shoes?  I tell you what.  Two freakin' huge boxes from Rogue Fitness.  14lb. Ball Wall... check.  Pull up bar, rings and assorted bands...check.  Ice cold garage waiting for me to torture myself...check.  Husband that I will need to bribe to install so I don't do it myself, and as a result, kill myself... check.  Now what to bribe with....

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday and Monday Food and Activity Log:
Breakfast- apple and sun nut butter
10 am WOD 5 rounds of as many reps as possible of 20 kettle bell swings and 10 burpees.
Lunch- Scrambled eggs, coffee, roasted butternut squash, beets, walnuts and raisins.
Dinner- Grilled salmon and Bronzini and roasted br. Sprouts
35 min run, 50 burpees.
1oz dark chocolate.
10 burpees used from my 50 earned burpees. :)


5:30am spin
Breakfast- Lemon poppyseed paleo waffle, berries, bacon, coffee.
Lunch- grilled chicken salad, collard greens, ice tea lemonade..and 1 rib. (Dinosaur BBQ)
Dinner- spaghetti squash, kale and sausage bake.
artisan cheese- 2oz, glass of red wine...40 burpees from the burpee bank.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thursday eats: (Continued…)

Breakfast- (Mentioned in previous post…)

Lunch- (Mentioned in previous post…)

Snack- Apple, carrots and Sun nut butter. Pretty sure I licked the container Sun nut butter was in…and my fingers…AMAZING.

Dinner- Sad but true… had to throw something in the pie hole between cross fit and my class. I pulled a rotisserie chicken out of the fridge and ate some pieces of it like a wild beast…plus a banana…then off to class. I know… I know…


WOD. Holy sweet mother. After this WOD, My forearms were like Popeye. I tried to get a drink from my water bottle, and needed two hands to squeeze. My. Oh. My.

100 Kettle Bell Swings- I used 32lbs.

100 Burpees.

100 Ab mat sit ups.

1 hours 20 minutes of booty shaking. (Teaching Zumba… get your head out of the gutter. )

MOJO meter- Great! 8 My huge project at work is out the door… have the opportunity to WOD with a good friend. The week is looking better. Energy levels are good.

Supplements. You bet. Need to work on more water into the system.


Breakfast: Sautéed yellow pepper, shallots, mushrooms, and tomatoes over scrambled eggs.

Mid-morning snack… peach.

Lunch: Butternut squash, zucchini and roasted red pepper sausage bake; orange; ½ cup caveman crunch.

Dinner: Grilled steak, 1/2 sweet potato and broccoli rabe.
Movie watching trouble... coconut milk ice cream and pistachios.


If you are visiting my blog, and you are not a crossfitter… check out the GREAT website I listed below. WODs are posted with hyper links so you can see videos of the movements. NICE! 

Managed to get a massage today. Heaven on earth after this beast of a WOD.

WOD. Tired going into the WOD…but have to get ‘er done.


I. Tall Cleans

II. 3 rounds For Time:
50 Front Squats (I used 35 lbs.)
20 Pullups (Strict ring rows… as mandated by coach Heidi… )
20 Ring Dips

Accumulate 180 Seconds
I was thrilled to RX the bar weight for the squats… but it was hard. VERY hard. Happy to finish.

I am sore today.  The weighted squats... holy macaroni.
Breakfast- Peach, blueberries and caveman crunch with almond milk.

Lunch- Chicken Salad on a bed of greens, tomatoes and a yellow pepper.

Snack- Apple and Sun nut butter.

Dinner- Chicken Versuvio.
I made it with purple potaoes for my family, but had some leftover sweet potato in mine...with roasted asparagus.
I made a Paleo apple crisp from the Paleo Comfort foods book.... I mean come is COLD out!

Activity: 1 hour of Zumba Instruction. :)


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Get it. Get it. Come on lets get it.

Dear gym bag that I pack everyday in efforts to get to ACF,
I am a tease.  I pack you and leave you in the back of my car, whispering sweet promises of a lunch time rendezvous, or even an after work quickie.  But I have left you cold and waiting in my car since Tuesday.  Are you available Thursday after work?  Because I am ready to sweat and make sweet burpee love to the floor.

Ruud Girl

All in perspective.  I’d say that yesterday I slid a bit.  But in perspective.  Plain and simple…I have been hungry this week.  Last night, I had burpees in the bank so to speak…and I am a spender.  Just used them all up. 

To date, the hardest part of the 90 day challenge has been balance.  I have to ramp up all things nutrition and crossfit while at the same time actively participating in family life and oh yeah… working a full time job that has just kicked into high gear, averaging 9-10 hrs. per day. It is a struggle to fit in the WODs.  I want to participate in WODs during a consistent time if possible to build into the community at ACF.  So my goal is to get the WODs in.  Simple.... right?

Breakfast- 2 eggs scrambled with spinach, onion, garlic and tomatoes; coffee
Lunch- Leftover Lamb Burgers and Zucchini
Snack- Orange and 2 blueberry protein balls
Dinner-Mixed greens with leftover lamb, red peppers, cucumbers, olives, feta, and tomatoes with oil and vinegar.
Supplements- Check.
Activity- Instructed a 60 minute spin class… with live drums this week I should mention…
Mojo Meter-  Overall good day.  7. I had to grocery shop before dinner…as a result; I did not eat dinner until around 8pm.  Tired and stressed about work. *sigh*

Breakfast- Shredded Chicken, mixed berries and coffee.  Crazy…crazy…crazy at work.
Lunch- Salad with shredded chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, red peppers, olives and dressing. ¼ cup crack crunch… uh…caveman crunch.
Snack- apple and sun nut butter
Supplements- Check.  Nothing more fun than fish oil after 2 hours in the club dancing.
Activity- 40 minute run am.  PM… 2 hours of Zumba in the club.
Mojo Meter- 2…as of 5pm.  Tired. Stressed. Tired.  Not enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do.
Burpees… 70 in prep for drinking.  Restrained myself to one vodka and club soda and a Paleo treat from my daughter when I got home.
Total used cheat burpees to date: 90.

Breakfast- 2 scrambled eggs with avocado, bacon and tomatoes.
Lunch- Spaghetti squash, kale and sausage bake, mixed berries and ¼ cup crack crunch… uh…caveman crunch.
Snack- apple and sun nut butter
Dinner-  Grilled chicken, green beans, organic ranch dressing.( Weak… I know)
Paleo Treat, pistachios and glass of red wine.  It is bad when I have burpees saved up.
Supplements- Check. 
Activity- 10 hours at work plus picking my daughter up from soccer forced this into a rest day.
Mojo Meter- 5.  Still bla and tired.  Frustrated that I can’t consistently hit WODs.
Total used cheat burpees to date: 120.

Thursday:  2 hour school delay… how could I NOT make Paleo waffles?
Breakfast- Berries, Lemon poppy seed Paleo waffle, 2 slices bacon, maple syrup, and coffee.  AMAZING.
Lunch- Back to work…back to reality… Leftover grilled chicken and green beans.
Snack- apple and sun nut butter
Supplements- Check. 
Mojo Meter-
Total used cheat burpees to date: 120.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hit it. Hit it Hard. Repeat.

How behind could I possibly be in my log?  This 90 challenge does crazy things to you.  Meaning.... I just got back from a 4 mile run.  It is dark, freezing out, and the WOD this morning just about killed me.  But I could not post that I did not hit my 2 runs this week.  SO to not shame myself... out I went.  And you know what?   I could see my breath by the light of a bright moon. My legs felt strong.  I felt good.  Looking good?... Well I am working on it baby!

So, as I have some days to catch up on, I will do my week in review tomorrow.  As for the past couple days... below is my log:

Sunday Food Log-
Breakfast- Apple and sun nut butter, Progenix after WOD, and coffee
Lunch- Butternut squash, red pepper and sausage bake.
Dinner- Carrots, Sauteed zuchinni sticks dipped in marinara and Lamb Burgers
Snack after run- 2 blueberry protein balls and fish oil.  Yum. Yum.
Activity Log- 10 am WOD 5 rounds of 10 box jump burpees, 10 Sumo dead lift high pole, 10 thrusters.  Holy sweet mother it was hard.
8:30pm run.
Mojo Meter- 8 Felt good... but really... such a busy day!
Supplements. Check. 

Saturday... Today... the day of wanting to eat all day long... cheesh.
Breakfast-  Part berries, cave man crunch and almond milk.  Part two (after teaching)  Chicken and apple hash.  (shredded chicken sauteed with a shredded apple and cinnamon.)  I am sure this sounds gross.  It pretty much did to me.  But it is part of Rob Wolf's suggested meal plan, and I had the stuff...I was surprisingly good. I added some onion as well.
Lunch- Carrots and cucumber slices; spaghetti squash, kale and sausage bake.
Dinner-Steak and Salad

Supplements...Missed the am, but made the magnesium and fish oil at night.

Activity Log- Instructed Zumba 1 hour
Mojo Meter- 6. Tired.  Actually found time to take a nap today.  It has been a VERY long time since I had one.

Friday Food Log-
Breakfast- 2 eggs scrambled with bacon, tomatoes and avocado; sliced berries
Lunch- Beef patty with sauteed onions, mushroom and cheddar cheese and a side salad.
Dinner- Salad with roasted chicken, cucumber, avocado, sliced almonds and tomatoes.
Glass of Red wine and paleo coconut custard with raspberries and pistachios.
Friday was my daughters birthday.  While my family dug into the Coccodots red velvet cake, my substitution was the coconut custard.  I hate to say it, but I am admittedly happier with a little treat.  I mean... duh... look at me!
Supplements. Check.
Activity log- Rest Day
Mojo Meter- 6-7.  Finishing up major work project... will be happy when it is submitted.  The past couple of days, I have felt hungry.  Have to figure out some go to snack munchy foods.  Kale Chips maybe?

Burpee Totals: 60 used of 1000...Wanted to have some chocolate tonight... but to freakin' tired to bust out the burpees... so no chocolate for me.  Go James. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Quick and Dirty

Oh what along day...
Just the facts for the 90 Challenge Log

Food Log:
2 scrambled eggs with ½ avocado and bacon
Butternut squash and chicken bake, berries, ¼ cup cave man crunch
Apple, small handful of pistachios and 2 blueberry protein balls.
Ginger garlic beef and Broccoli, orange

Taught 1 hour of Zumba. I missed my WOD poor class. :)

MOJO Meter-
Tired. Hungry. Work Stress prevails. Rear-ended on 90E on my way home from work. Tomorrow is a new day. Thank goodness!!!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cupcake lip balm and peeing your pants.

I know.  I know.  Stellar day. :)  Where to start?  Why might a primal girl think it is a good idea to purchase a cute little pot of lip balm from Tokyo Milk with the title Cupcake?   When I slathered my dry lips this morning, my knees went weak.  I am not a lip gloss girl.  I am a functional chapstick girl.  I have been Primal since September, and I think something crazy goes through your head when you see a cupcake something that you can have, let alone bring close to your mouth.  I guess I could slather a cupcake all over my face, but, well, the effect is not the same.  When I say this lip balm smells crazy does.  And that is coming from a girl who is often sweaty and smelly.  So... I start the day smelling stupid good.  Work...same crazy long, hard, grueling self study...I don't know if it is work stress or the cool temps, but all day I wanted to eat.  A co-worker popped her head in the office and just said... "Pizza. I want Pizza."  My cravings have really been in check, but today, I thought...Amen sister.  Amen.  Pizza would be heaven. Grilled salmon salad instead.  I should also point out that I have been trying to stay hydrated at work.  This is important...and could partially explain my need for new pants.

Okay... day in review.  Because I know you are wondering if I peed my pants a work.  Nope. 

When I got home from work, there was a jump rope sent to me in the mail.  Not sure who from.  I have one of the fancy ones in my workout bag in the car.  But it is cold out.  Now I had a jump rope sitting...staring...mocking me... telling me to get it done.  So.....

Run and WOD in my back yard.
3 mile run
100 Jump Rope (Working on the Double Unders... but for this WOD, hit singles)
50 Kettlebell Swings
75 Jump Rope (Pretty sure somewhere in this set is when I wet my pants.  Its not the first time. *sigh*  And I'm sure it will not be the last.)
50 Walking Lunges
100 Jump Rope
(I added 50 more kettlebell swings as the kettlebell I have at home was not RX weight.)

50 Toes to Bar.  Well in my case... knees up and close to elbow.  But here was the best part.... My son Luke (10) Came out and hung from the swing set with me on the monkey bars.  We did the 50 together.  It was freezing outside, and dark, but there we were hanging, and lifting.  It was the best finish to a WOD I ever had.

Breakfast- 4oz. Chicken and coffee, berries, 1/4 cup caveman crunch.  (Caveman crunch is my crack.)
Lunch- Leftover grilled salmon and green beans over mixed greens, cucumber, blueberries and sliced almonds.
Snack- 2 Blueberry Protein Balls (Sisson Recipe)
Dinner- Slow cooker pork, 1/2 avocado, and sauteed spinach and garlic.

Supplements... check.

Mojo Meter- 4.  Crappy 4.  I was tired, stressed, hungry...pretty much all day.  I slept bad the night before.  I drove home not wanting to work out.  I just wanted to....I don't know, 5 million other things rather than workout.  But I did.  The run felt hard.  During the WOD I thought, I want this.  I want to be in shape.  But $&^%$ it is hard work.  As I finish my ramblings, I feel a drowsy calm...happy for completing today...and completing it well.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday.  Back to work in full force. As in sit, try to act brilliant and get paid for it work, not the fun physical stuff.

Activity log:
 5pm WOD
Max pull ups:  Banded- 13.
Freakin' Cindy:  Made it through 12 full rounds in 20 min.  Ring rows in place of the pull ups.
Box Jump AMRAP in 2 min.- 24 jumps

Food Log:
Breakfast- Chicken breast, berries and coffee.
Lunch- Leftover broccoli and spaghetti squash, sausage and kale bake.
Snack- 1/4 cup caveman crunch
Dinner- Roasted green beans and grilled salmon, paleo coconut custard.

Supplements... Check.

Mojo Meter- 8.  I was proud that I stayed strong and left work after 9 hours to make it to the 5pm WOD, even though I was stressed and crunched at work.  The WOD was hard, but I felt stronger than I have in the past.  Overall happiness today...good.  Stress at work is high, but I am trying to keep in in check.  Sleep has been better.  Wondering if the magnesium is helping.  My back is a bit sore, but other than that, not overly sore... I feel pretty darn good. :) 

Monday, January 2, 2012

The day in review... 1.02.2012

Burpee Cheat list: (Huge Thank you to genius James!)

1. Small paleo treat baked by Bella - 10 burpees
2. Dark Chocolate - 10 burpees per oz.
3. Glass of wine - 20 burpees
4. Artisnal Cheese - 20 burpees per oz.
5. Terra root chips - 2 burpees per chip

Activity Summary- 60 min spin, Fran, 20 burpees for a glass of wine, plus added additional 40 to bank.

Fish oil started yesterday...and I lived. :). Also added a probiotic, vitamin D, magnesium, acetyl l-carnitine and alpha lipoid acid.

Food Journal:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, berries, 1/4 cup caveman crunch
Lunch- Greens with chicken, pepper, onions, salsa and avocado
Snack- One nutty protien blueberry ball (Sisson)
Dinner- Broccoli, glass of white wine and spaghetti squash bake ala...

Mojo Scale... Pretty good today. Not to sore, a bit hungry around 3-4. Mental mojo high as I did not have to work today. :)

Today is sunny side up!

Day two.  Taught one hour of brutal hill climbs in spin this am to a boys only crowd at 5:30am. Had to hit FRAN after class to make up the WOD from yesterday.  My quads were spent from class, but I knocked out the 21-15-9 Thrusters and Pull ups with a time of 7:28.  45lbs. Thrusters and modified pull ups.  Not pretty at all, but it is done.

Breakfast this am, eggs, berries and a little cave crunch with coffee.  

Goals for the week:
1.  Hit spin- Check
2.  Run of the runs maybe listen to Robb Wolf's Pod Cast
3.  WOD 3X at ACF. 1 at home
4.  Eat clean
5.  Set up cheat meal burpees ala James.  Genius.
6.  Pester husband to install pull up bar...and use it. :)
7.  Shake my money maker.  Every week baby.  Every week.
8.  Scary movement of the week: Each week I want to pick something that scares the $^%&% out of me and try it.  This week...will give hand stands a go.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ahhhh.....And so it begins. Day one. Game on...well kinda. I could not hit Fran today. I had a fundraiser commitment for the Food Pantry and the JCC.

Captains Log... Uh...I mean food log for today:

Breakfast: Berries, 1/2 cup caveman crunch and almond milk, coffee.
Lunch: Salad with cucumber, lemongrass grilled chicken, few toasted walnuts and 1/2 sliced apple...oil and vinegar.
Dinner: Roasted rosemary pork loin with roasted turnips, carrots and parsnips.
Scoop of coconut milk ice cream. I know... Day one even...

Activity...Instructed 1 hour of Zumba benefit.

Measurements taken today ala husband. I do not recocomend this as it implys something more will happen. There is nothing more unsexy...

Arms: R 13 inches L 12.5 inches
Thighs: R 23.5 inches L 23 inches
Chest: 36 inches
Waist: 35 inches
Hips: 38 inches

To keep things simple for the first 30 days I am sticking to Robb Wolf. The plan is 30 days strict paleo, then ease into Sisson's primal with carb and protien ranges.

Still trying to figure out the fish oil. Have it in house, just have to figure out how much. Reading up implies 15 grams, but I bought the liquid, and it is dosed in ml. Hmmmmmmmm.

I have to give major props to James McDermott's Burpee Cheat at:

It is genius!!!! I am in!!!! Just have to figure out my cheat items.

Here is what he posted.

Cheat Meal Burpees

So today is the start of the 90 Day Challenge and I thought it would be fun and interesting to put myself through a little experiment while I am participating. What I have set out to do is to find a way to better manage my cheat meals (which in the past have been a little out of control…just ask me about the Graveyard Burger challenge…) and also to hold myself accountable for my actions. The idea I came up with is to have myself “paying” for cheat meals or snacks with Burpees as the currency.

What I hope to Accomplish

I want to find out a few things by doing this. The first is how badly I really want some of these things when I have a craving. If I’m really willing to do a couple hundred Burpees for a Milkshake then that’s a problem! I also want to see how well I can manage my “currency” throughout the 90 Days. This isn’t about punishing myself for having a treat. It is about holding myself accountable for my actions, seeing if a cheat meal is really worth the cost I have assigned to it and if I even still want it after I have paid. My hypothesis is that by doing this I will cheat very rarely because a slice of pizza for example will not be worth doing 30 Burpees in addition to the real money that I am paying for it.


1.    I have a total balance of 1000 Burpees to work with over the course of the challenge.
2.    If I neglect to do the Burpees then I am charged +25 Burpees for every day that passes until they are completed.
3.    Burpees must be completed before the cheat meal. That means these meals should be planned ahead and not be spur of the moment.
4.    If this is something you want to try you can make your own list of cheat foods and assign them Burpee Values.

Step One: My Favorite Junk Foods

The first thing I did was I thought about and made a list of the poor food choices that I know will be tempting me on a regular basis and assigned them a Burpee Value. A Burpee Value is simply an amount of Burpees that each cheat item cost.

My List

1.    Ice Cream / Milk Shakes = 20 Burpees per Ounce
2.    Pizza = 30 Burpees per Slice
3.    Flavored Water = 15 Burpees per Ounce
4.    Cookies = 10 Burpees per Cookie
5.    Tortilla Chips = 7 Burpees per Chip
6.    Peanut M&Ms = 5 Burpees per M&M

Step Two: Actions & Junk Food

Next I thought about what actions or steps do I take that usually lead me to making poor dietary decisions. I think these things are pretty much universal for everyone and I assigned each one a Baseline Burpee Value. The Baseline Burpee Value is a set amount of Burpees you perform in addition to the Burpees each junk food item is worth.

For Example: If I decide that I am going to make a terrible decision and go to McDonalds for a milkshake then I have to pay for that trip with 100 Burpees +20 Burpees for every ounce in the shake (better get a small one!).

1.    Purchasing Bad Food = 50 Burpees.
-    Bottom line is no one should be wasting money making poor choices at the grocery store, but if you are hardcore enough to do the Burpees right there in the store then cut it down to 25.
2.    Going to a Restaurant = 75 Burpees (Eating Paleo negates the Burpees).
3.    Going to a Fast Food Restaurant = 100 Burpees and +50 for being lazy and using the drive through.
4.    Friends & Family = 25 Burpees
-    I know when I go home to my family’s house there are far more temptations. My mom loves baking cookies & cakes ect… So I have to make sure I do not over do it when I go there.

I’ll be recording how this is going during my updates.

Homage to the squash

I had some extra grilled chicken leftover, so I make up my secret weapon. I like to make a batch and portion it out for the freezer. Perfect go to lunch for work when things get nuts. If possible, I like to try and bank some paleo meals in the freezer on weekends.

This is from my favorite paleo food blog ever... PaleoOMG

I added roasted red peppers...AMAZING.