Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cupcake lip balm and peeing your pants.

I know.  I know.  Stellar day. :)  Where to start?  Why might a primal girl think it is a good idea to purchase a cute little pot of lip balm from Tokyo Milk with the title Cupcake?   When I slathered my dry lips this morning, my knees went weak.  I am not a lip gloss girl.  I am a functional chapstick girl.  I have been Primal since September, and I think something crazy goes through your head when you see a cupcake something that you can have, let alone bring close to your mouth.  I guess I could slather a cupcake all over my face, but, well, the effect is not the same.  When I say this lip balm smells crazy does.  And that is coming from a girl who is often sweaty and smelly.  So... I start the day smelling stupid good.  Work...same crazy long, hard, grueling self study...I don't know if it is work stress or the cool temps, but all day I wanted to eat.  A co-worker popped her head in the office and just said... "Pizza. I want Pizza."  My cravings have really been in check, but today, I thought...Amen sister.  Amen.  Pizza would be heaven. Grilled salmon salad instead.  I should also point out that I have been trying to stay hydrated at work.  This is important...and could partially explain my need for new pants.

Okay... day in review.  Because I know you are wondering if I peed my pants a work.  Nope. 

When I got home from work, there was a jump rope sent to me in the mail.  Not sure who from.  I have one of the fancy ones in my workout bag in the car.  But it is cold out.  Now I had a jump rope sitting...staring...mocking me... telling me to get it done.  So.....

Run and WOD in my back yard.
3 mile run
100 Jump Rope (Working on the Double Unders... but for this WOD, hit singles)
50 Kettlebell Swings
75 Jump Rope (Pretty sure somewhere in this set is when I wet my pants.  Its not the first time. *sigh*  And I'm sure it will not be the last.)
50 Walking Lunges
100 Jump Rope
(I added 50 more kettlebell swings as the kettlebell I have at home was not RX weight.)

50 Toes to Bar.  Well in my case... knees up and close to elbow.  But here was the best part.... My son Luke (10) Came out and hung from the swing set with me on the monkey bars.  We did the 50 together.  It was freezing outside, and dark, but there we were hanging, and lifting.  It was the best finish to a WOD I ever had.

Breakfast- 4oz. Chicken and coffee, berries, 1/4 cup caveman crunch.  (Caveman crunch is my crack.)
Lunch- Leftover grilled salmon and green beans over mixed greens, cucumber, blueberries and sliced almonds.
Snack- 2 Blueberry Protein Balls (Sisson Recipe)
Dinner- Slow cooker pork, 1/2 avocado, and sauteed spinach and garlic.

Supplements... check.

Mojo Meter- 4.  Crappy 4.  I was tired, stressed, hungry...pretty much all day.  I slept bad the night before.  I drove home not wanting to work out.  I just wanted to....I don't know, 5 million other things rather than workout.  But I did.  The run felt hard.  During the WOD I thought, I want this.  I want to be in shape.  But $&^%$ it is hard work.  As I finish my ramblings, I feel a drowsy calm...happy for completing today...and completing it well.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you don't feel alone ... ACF/CCP WODs have been known to make me pee my pants too. Good for you for keeping going!
