Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Busted. Burpees.

My head is hung low. I owe burpies. Oh I do… after my bender with red wine last night and…wait for it…dark chocolate…I am looking at 140 burpies to make up to date. The challenge has been going great…but I will admit that this past week, I felt the strain of it all. How can I get rid of that need for a glass of red wine? At least my “cheats” are still within the realm of primal eating. But I know I am doing my body a disservice with alcohol.

Food and Activity in Review:


5:30am Spin

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and Feta. Mixed Berries. Coffee.

Lunch: Ground Beef patty with mushroom and onions and a side salad with balsamic vinaigrette.

Snack: Caveman crunch and an orange

Dinner: Mini meatloaf and a salad.


40 min treadmill run

Breakfast: Eggs with broccoli and kale and mixed berries, coffee.

Lunch: Butternut squash and chicken pesto bake. Piece of paleo pumkin walnut bread from the civilized caveman.

Snack: Caveman crunch

Dinner: Primal Chicken “Parm”, spaghetti squash and spinach

Red wine and dark chocolate. It was had. It was loved. I must pay for it.

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