Thursday, February 16, 2012

Step up baby. Don't let your boy down!!!!!!

Participating in the throwdown was amazing. Watching the other athletes was awe inspiring. To complete the workout, and then see what other athletes could do with the same workout…the same amount of time… well…game changer for me. Now that I have suckered MacCue into the X and Y games, I have to step up, work on my sucks, and try. Try to not let my brain stop me from attempting more weight or standing on my head…. Or whatever that freakin’ whiteboard says. That and … not so shabby having a coach hold your hand…literally while you find your heels…and squat.

Captain’s Log… Uh… Food and Activity Log


Breakfast- Berries, sliced turkey and coffee.

Lunch- Butternut squash and chicken “lasagna” form paleo OMG, apple with sun nut butter

Snack- Cave Crunch

Dinner- Leftover Spaghetti squash and homemade sauce with meatballs, Salad. Dark Chocolate.

Activity- 5:30am Spin… 60 minutes of love.

Supplements- Check.


Breakfast- Eggs with tomatoes, avocados and bacon- coffee Mixed Berries.

Lunch- Spaghetti squash and homemade sauce with meatballs. Caveman Crunch.

Snack- Apple and pecan coconut butter

Dinner- Steak, spinach and sweet potato. Slice of paleo bread.

Dark chocolate and some scotch. I am stretching my cheat day to a week. Geesh.

Activity- Throwdown Recovery

Supplements- Check.


Breakfast- Eggs with tomatoes, avocados and bacon- coffee Mixed Berries.

Lunch- Leftover steak, spinach and potato. Apple with sun nut butter.

Snack- Caveman crunch

Dinner- Paleo OMG Enchillada Chicken over Greens with Avocado. Coconut milk ice cream.

Activity- Noon WOD. 60 Bar facing Burpees, 30 Overhead Squats (Weighted kettlebell for me… working on squat form) 20 Ring Rows AMRAP in 10 minutes. Make it to 13 ring rows.

Supplements- Check.


Breakfast- eggs with herbs, zucchini and onions, a couple of cubes of sweet potatoes and coffee.

Lunch- pesto chicken with butternut squash and kale. Sautéed apples with walnuts and raisins from Paleo OMG. Off the hook delicious.



Activity- WOD.

1 Hour Zumba Instruction.


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