Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bottom Love...


My family ate the Entemanns...

Whipped up some frosting with organic cream cheese, powdered maple sugar, and vanilla bean.  Way. Good.

Primal Cinnamon rolls adapted from:

I used coconut crystals in place of sugar.  The rest are in my freezer.  I know what you are thinking... but I did not eat them all.

As today was the "last" day of my Christmas Vacation, I also made some nutrition decisions for the 90 challenge.  I did a lot of research on the ZONE, but ultimately, I am sticking with a Wolf/Sission Paleo-Primal Combo.  What I am going to tweek is tracking my protein, carbs and fat to stick in optimal ranges.  In case you are not familiar with the genius that is Robb Wolf... here is his site:

or Check out Sisson at:

My Other "tweaks" include:
Focusing on better sleep
Introducing Fish Oil and supplements. 
Reducing or eliminating dairy.
Noticed I have not mentioned alcohol yet...

 How do you want to start the new year?  What is your challenge?  What is your plan?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lisa, I am going to do the Zone diet. I think that may work best for me. I am not sure if you have found or are taking a fish oil supplement but I have researched a couple and I am ordering Dr. Sears Omega 3 EPA/DHA with 2400 mg per serving and always from wild fish from pristine waters never farm fished and ultra refined!. The biggest challenge for me will be the whole dairy thing! But I'm excited and am always up for a challenge! Star
